hat ca. aufgelistet 20 Steuerabteilungen im Distrikt Hondlon. Einige der am besten Steuerabteilungen im Distrikt Hondlon sind- Kunqu Local Taxation Bureau Tuanjie Management Office Tax Service Hall, Kunqu Local Taxation Bureau Zhengshou Wu Suobanshui Service Hall, Kunqu Local Taxation Bureau Anshan Management Office Tax Service Hall, Kundulun State Taxation and Local Taxation United Tax Service Room, Baotou Xitu Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone District Tax Branch Innovation Park Tax Office, Kundulun Local Taxation Bureau Inkasso Sisuo, Kunqu State Administration of Taxation Zhaotan Tax Office, Baotou Kunqu Local Taxation Bureau Jianchagu, Baotou Industrie- und Handelsbüro Kundulun Branch Hexi Industrial and Commercial Institute & Baotou Local Taxation Bureau direkt unter Inkassomanagement San Branch.